June 2

I just got my hard copy of Jerry White’s book I WILL NOT BE BROKEN. Yay! It’s so lovely. Can’t wait to tuck into it. I’ll let you all know what I think about it and share the nuggets of wisdom I know are hidden between the covers.

Stacey Mayo‘s stillness experiment commenced today. I was already in the office and halfway through my morning before I remembered to take out a few minutes to be still. But I remembered eventually and have been doing it every hour (or as close to the hour as I can manage).

The experience has been simply wonderful! I use the time to pray and meditate on scripture; as I practice ‘stillness’ I feel such peace seeping into my whole being. It’s incredible!

I still need as much encouragement as possible in this experiment (I signed up) so I’m asking as many of you as can, to please sign up for the experiment. You can check out the blog to find out what others are saying about the experiment. Thank you Jayne for taking this journey with me. How is it going over at your end?

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