Thankful Thursday – My Duvet

This month, Thankful Thursday is being hosted by Iris and her topic was Daily Blessings. It’s funny because as I was planning my TT post in my head, what I was really thankful for was my new duvet.

See, when I left my country, I left with only one suitcase and there’s just so much one can pack in one suitcase. This was a bit hard for me because I was coming to set up house and I had nothing to set up house with. It was like I was starting afresh. . . well, I guess I was starting afresh.

So I moved into my new apartment, which is cozy by the way and proceeded to settle down gradually. Only problem was I was not sleeping well. Malaysia is hot. Maybe not as hot as some parts of Nigeria but I did not live in those parts. So anyway, I sleep with the air-conditioning. But because I had no duvet, I’d wake up in the middle of the night shivering and switch off the ac. Or increase the temperature. Then after a few hours, I’d have to wake up to switch it back on or decrease the temperature again. Needless to say, it made for a very unsound sleep.

Well, just last week my brother bought me a lovely maroon duvet – makes my room feel so valentine-ish. Each morning when I wake up, there’s a smile on my face and I murmur thank you Lord for my duvet. It has made a lot of difference to my sleeping and this Thursday, it is one ‘daily blessing’ I am especially thankful for. And of course, I am thankful for my brother. This is one of the times when family ties are just what a girl needs.

He spread out a cloud as a covering,
and a fire to give light at night. (Psalm 105:39, NIV)

If you would like to share your thankful heart, join us at Iris‘.

13 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday – My Duvet

  1. lovely post. so simple yet so from the heart. i would be thankful for that too if i were in your shoes. having a good night sleep is so refreshing. God bless your brother for giving you that duvet.

    stay blessed, sharon.

    1. Thank you Pia for stopping by. I really enjoyed reading your post. It’s good to have loving brothers is it not? Take care and God bless.

  2. I know exactly what you’re talking about because I live in the Philippines. But being Filipino from birth, I’m used to the heat. I can very well appreciate your ac and duvet, though. Some creature comforts are really necessary for survival. I’m happy for you that you have them.

    1. That is one country I would really love to visit! My parents were once in Manila for a missions conference – years ago. I heard Malaysia’s not too far, who knows, I just might be knocking at your door..hehehe 😉

  3. Sharon – often it’s the “little things” in life that mean so much to us. We’ve had a colder than usual winter here in Texas, so one of the things I am thankful for is a heated matress pad. A good night’s sleep is indeed a blessing.

    I too am thankful for my brother – nothing can replace those family ties.

    I love your blog and I will be visiting again. Thank you for stopping by mine and for your sweet comments.


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Joan, glad you like my blog and can’t wait to have you visit.

      Texas… I heard that’s supposed to be the hottest place in the US; still winter is winter. Glad you had a heated matress pad.

      God bless you!

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