romance between two friends

A few months ago, I finally forayed into the field of matchmaking. I have this bestfriend who had been in a horrible relationship and was single. Then there was also this guy I knew was lonely and from what I knew of the both of them, they were just perfect for each other. The thing is I NEVER matchmake. It’s not that I’m not romantic – fact I am so too. But I just do not like interfering in people’s lives not even if they’ve been your best friend for ever.

But this was just sooo perfect. So I told my friend about it and she was cool. Then I told the guy and though he was not too enthusiastic, he didn’t exactly say NO. Meanwhile, my dear fiance was totally against it. He was of the opinion that I was courting disaster – i didn’t see the logic in that since we were matched by a mutual friend anyway and see how it turned out.

I planted the seeds and let it foster. Then my friend came out to spend some time with me, they took one look at each other and it was love at first sight! Ahhhh….you can just imagine how smug I felt.

Well, it’s been months now and I’m tempted to agree with my dearest that I did indeed court disaster. My friend had her heart broken. I felt so bad and guilty. But I’ve gone through it over and over again and I don’t know what I could have done to stop how things went.

The problem was a 3rd factor. This guy has a best friend who also took one look at my girl and decided he wanted her for himself. It was horrific. He tried every trick in the book and my friend . . . ahhh. I think she got a little bowled over from all the attention and took her time in making her preference known. By the time she had made up her mind, the damage was done. The guy withdrew and decided to let his friend have her especially as the friend had insinuated all sorts of things.

I feel so bad for them both, but for her most. I feel he should have given them a chance; he was too quick to let things go. And they really did love each other. I feel bad for me too because I wish I had never interfered. I’ve promised myself to stay clear off matchmaking and stuff like that even though Cindy Schmalz on Today’s Christian Woman thinks differently. She argues for matchmaking:

But for single Christian women, meeting single Christian men can be a difficult task. The church doesn’t always have a large selection of available men and, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, neither does our nation. As of April 1, 2000, women outnumber men in the U.S. by 5,314,780. Factor in the hope of finding a single Christian man to this already unbalanced equation, and you wonder, what’s a single Christian gal to do?…

She even goes ahead to give tips for successful matchmaking. I read the tips and they are very helpful. They made me feel better about the whole thing. I’m still not sure I want to go near matchmaking again but on the whole, I don’t think it’s a bad idea after all.

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