We humans often think of ourselves as the greatest living beings, but do we not have something to learn from these common birds? We often question the reality and the loving nature of God. But the Master has said: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Whenever we open our hearts to God, we receive spiritual nourishment and grow more and more into the likeness of God until we reach spiritual maturity. And once we open our spiritual eyes and see God’s presence, we find indescribable and unending bliss.

– Wisdom of the Sadhu (Copyright 2007 by Plough Publishing House. Used with permission.)

I read these words and they got me thinking. We often close our heats to God many times without even realising that is what we are doing. In tiny, subtle ways, we go about our busy days without acknowledging His presence.

The birds are a very good example of unquestioning acceptance. They go about their everyday business without worrying where the next meal is going to come from; they just trust that when they need to eat, it’s going to be there.

This may be a hard philosophy for some to accept. What of the homeless people on the streets? There a World Food crisis – people are actually starving (children included); what about them? I do not pretend to know the answer to all of life’s questions. I have in fact been homeless for a while. But one thing I do know and believe is that God never promised a world in which everything would be all peachy and sunshine. But He did say that for those who trust Him, He’ll bring them out alright.

I know trust is a foreign concept for so many people. I grew up in a Christian home but was a foreigner to trust for so long. As a matter of fact, I’m still learning to trust one day at a time; to see God’s hand in whatever happens to me (good or bad).

You can start a little trust at a time. Someone once said that there is a bit of God in every living thing; in the trees, the hills, the grass and the skies. Everything has on them the Hand prints of the Mater Creator.

When last did you stop to ‘smell the roses’? To just appreciate fresh air and daylight?

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